


Article 1. Applicability

 1.     These general terms apply to all services, activities and agreements from and with Huren op de camping. In particular, these terms also apply to the supply of services from Huren op de camping to contractors.

2.     "Contractor" is defined as any natural or legal person with a contractual relationship and a desire to enter into agreement with Huren op de camping. In particular the "contractor" is the one on whose behalf and for whose account services and activities are provided by Huren op de camping.

3.     Deviations from these terms and conditions are only applicable if and insofar as expressly agreed in writing.

4.     If the contractor refers to his / her general terms, the conditions of the contractor are not applicable. This is different only if and insofar as the applicability of the terms of the contractor do not conflict with these terms and conditions.


Article 2. Liability

 1.     Huren op de camping depends on third parties for its information and is not responsible for damage caused by incorrect or incomplete information on the website, on the website, on social media from Huren op de camping and on any other website.

2.     The contractor agrees to the use of photographs and footage by Huren op de camping. These photos and footage are used by the contractor on his / her website and on his/her social media. Huren op de camping is not liable for the copyright of these photos and footage. Also, these photos and footage can be used by Huren op de camping in blogs, advertising and promotional material.

3.     Texts on the last minute page of Huren op de camping will be delivered by the contractor him-/herself. Again, the contractor is liable him-/herself.

4.     Huren op de camping does not have to pay any compensation except those stated above to the contractor or others associated with the contractor. In particular Huren op de camping is never liable for any of the following damages suffered bij the contractor or others: direct or indirect, including downtime - suffered by the contractor or others,  delayed or faulty delivery or failure to deliver goods or the goods themselves.


Article 3. Prices

 1.     Huren op de camping prices exclude VAT, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

2.     The prices specified in propositions, contracts and order confirmations are based on the time of conclusion of the agreement. These include applicable cost factors, such as exchange rates, wages, transport costs, taxes, duties and other government legislation.

3.     Huren op de camping reserves the right to stop the contract without required legal intervention, if after the date the agreement has been concluded, but before the day of delivery, no payment has been received.


Article 4. Payment

 1.     Payments must be made in euros (€) unless otherwise agreed by transfer to a bank account designated by Huren op de camping. When paying by bank, the date of crediting the bank account of Huren op de camping is the formal date of payment.

2.     If the contractor does not pay in time, he/she is in default without requiring a notice of default. Then Huren op de camping is entitled, if provided sufficient evidence of failure by the contractor, to stop the fulfillment of all the commitments from Huren op de camping with the contractor, notwithstanding all the rights of Huren op de camping resulting from the general law.

3.     If the financial position of the contractor after the conclusion of the agreement, but before the delivery of the goods, deteriorates significally Huren op de camping is entitled to wholly or partly stop further performance of the contract or to change the requirement of the payment.


Article 5. Cancellation

 1.     In case of direct debit payment, the contractor may stop the subscription by at least one month before the expiration of the subscription. He / she must indicate this in his / her account on

2.     In case of another form of payment or direct debit the contractor must pay before the end of the subscription. If this condition is not met, the subscription will be stopped.

3.     Huren op de camping does not refund payment if a contractor is late or if an e-mail doesn't arrive in time on the e-mailaccount of Huren op de camping.

4.     The payment is payment for a year. Restitution of funds by early termination is not possible.


Article 6. Force Majeure

Force majeure is defined here as any circumstance outside the power of Huren op de camping such that compliance with the agreement is not reasonable, i.e. not attributable to deficiencies in the performance. Force majeure includes: war, riots, blockades, natural disasters, prevention and disruption of transport options to the server, operating disruptions or prohibitions, family circumstances and obstructions caused by measures, laws or decisions of international, national and regional (government) organizations. If Huren op de camping by the force majeure cannot meet its liabilities and obligations or cannot comply on time, Huren op de camping is entitled to stop the agreement or suspend it for a definite or indefinite period. In the event of force majeure, the contractor cannot sue Huren op de camping for damages.


Article 7. Applicable law

All services, offers and agreements by Huren op de camping are exclusively part of Dutch law.


Article 8. Dispute

All disputes of any kind relating to activities, offers and agreements made by Huren op de camping will be settled by a court in the Netherlands.


Copyright © 2023 Huren op de camping, all rights reserved

© Huren op de Camping All rights reserved